2014 Mugenryu Karate Tournament.

The first Mugenryu Karate tournament for 2014 was held at the Tsukishima Sports Plaza. And as always, it was a very exciting and emotional event for all participants, supporters and family members. The event was comprised of so many kids and it was fantastic to see all of them do so well, especially the support they all gave each other. There so many things we learn from these gatherings. And as Yamaguchi-Sensei always says, win or lose you should always be considerate for others around you. And to be able to provide strong support is just as important as being physically strong. It was truly wonderful event and I am sure we are all looking forward to the next one.

There are also many of those who cannot attend the Mugenryu events, people who have left Japan but still follow us from so far away. I take the opportunity this time to reach out to Debra who left us last year to go back to the US with her family. She is always thinking of us and we really hope that one day again we can all meet again in the dojo.