December 2nd - Fighters Club #9

Take it to the ground! Tonight's fighters club we had lots of new ground exercises. Pairing up with 2 hand holds, we tried to see who could hold the opponent on the ground the longest. That was fun yet so hard. Never did I think you could sweat so much in such a short time. After we had our classic fighters club 2-4-6 drills with our favorite press ups, burpees, sit ups and rolls. I think we all got better at doing continuous rolls since Yamaguchi-sensei made us to so many of them!

Sparing was good. We saw big improvements in Minagawa-san (nice high kicks and cart wheels!). Also some killer counter moves from Miocchi - very nice indeed.

Getting near the end of the year and we are all looking forward to the tournament and also the adults grading. It really is a busy Mugen-kai month.